Health is more than just exercise and food, mentality plays a massive part.

 The Birth of ALCIDES

I began my journey at the age of 18, having just moved back to the UK after living in Spain most of my life. I was morbidly obese,  weighing well over 100 kg in XXL clothes.  

I decided I was fed up of looking the way I did, I didn't identify with the body I was in in the slightest so I joined the gym. I had no clue what I was doing and so just began using machines that seemed straightforward and massively cut down on my eating. I managed to lose over 30 kg in the space of 6 months. But I did everything wrong. I was spending 2 hours a day, 6 days a week in the gym and I'd cut down my eating to the point of having just salads twice a day. This came with a massive consequence, all the weight I had lost led to masses of excess skin around my body.

I began researching how to get rid of it all and eventually ended up on the bodybuilding path, I was training better, eating better and managed to get down to 18% body fat.

I was so much happier in this body and truly felt like myself which sparked the thought: "Am I the only one who's experienced this?" An opportunity to find out the answer presented itself to me in my final year of my psychology degree and I wrote my dissertation on "The effects of weight training on identity". I interviewed a handful of people who had all started their journey the same as me and found weight training as their answer to finding a body they were happy in.

Fast forward to 2021 and I am now a qualified personal trainer and nutrition for sport and weight management specialist. I have created ALCIDES to educate others on how to avoid the mistakes I've made. Using all the knowledge I've gained the past 7 years I can now help others achieve a healthier lifestyle that is efficient and sustainable in keeping that excess fat off but also to act as a community for all these people to share their stories and have a group experiencing similar struggles to them.

So, let's begin the journey to finding YOU. Together.


Fitness. Wellness. Mindfulness 

  Let's begin the journey to finding YOU. Together.

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